Greenville Office  

Office Photo
3705 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807
Phone: 302-429-4500
Toll-free: 800-220-7032
Fax: 302-576-6801
Manager: Juan Fuentes Jr.
Driving Directions

The Patterson-Schwartz Greenville Sales Center is conveniently located just outside the City of Wilmington near the Rt. 52/141 interchange. This beautiful 4-acre business campus, featuring a converted estate home and an office building, is home to more than 90 REALTORS who are available to assist you in buying or selling homes across the state of Delaware and neighboring communities in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Greenville sits just northwest of the City of Wilmington, Delaware and is perhaps best known for its association with many of the country estates of the DuPont family in Delaware. Boutique shopping and eateries are located along what would be considered the main street (Kennett Pike/Rt. 52) while the countryside offers activities such as golfing at one of the area's fine country clubs or hiking at nearby Brandywine Creek State Park. Housing in this area mainly consists of established and often historic & private estates but there are also some new construction and unique/custom housing opportunities as well as small clusters of suburban communities and farms.

Agent Photo

Adrian Jones

View profile
Direct: 302-932-0834
Mobile: 302-932-0834
Agent Photo

Alan Mazzetti

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-218-1068
Agent Photo

Alanna Piser

View profile
Direct: 302-757-5312
Mobile: 302-757-5312
Agent Photo

Allison Darling

View profile
Direct: 302-530-2799
Mobile: 302-530-2799
Agent Photo

Amy Benton

View profile
Direct: 302-379-1209
Mobile: 302-379-1209
Agent Photo

Amy Lacy Powalski

View profile
Direct: 302-803-4663
Mobile: 302-803-4663
Agent Photo

Barbara Fenimore

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-437-4840
Agent Photo

Barbara Riley

View profile
Direct: 302-383-0997
Mobile: 302-383-0997
Agent Photo

Betsi Carey

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7348
Mobile: 302-463-1725
Agent Photo

Brett Jones

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7203
Mobile: 302-420-6644
Agent Photo

Brooke Kelly

View profile
Direct: 302-373-1230
Mobile: 302-373-1230
Agent Photo

Bruce Balick

View profile
Direct: 302-983-3550
Mobile: 302-983-3550
Agent Photo

Cam Simendinger

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-750-1803
Agent Photo

Carly Simmons

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-757-9643
Agent Photo

Caroline Wellford

View profile
Direct: 970-846-6668
Mobile: 970-846-6668
Agent Photo

Casy Blassengale

View profile
Direct: 302-283-9640
Mobile: 202-630-5566
Agent Photo

Charles Dale, Jr

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-275-3273
Agent Photo

Chris Patterson

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7334
Mobile: 302-420-6306
Agent Photo

Christine Giacco

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7343
Mobile: 302-740-7955
Agent Photo

Diego Reyes

View profile
Direct: 302-932-2402
Mobile: 302-932-2402
Agent Photo

Felicia Harbison

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-723-5933
Agent Photo

Gene Truono

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-547-5037
Agent Photo

Geri Parisi

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6827
Mobile: 302-530-3276
Agent Photo

Gina Henry

View profile
Direct: 302-547-0522
Mobile: 302-547-0522
Agent Photo

Gina Suiter

View profile
Direct: 302-354-1955
Mobile: 302-354-1955
Agent Photo

Jeff Olmstead

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7301
Mobile: 302-740-2543
Agent Photo

Jennifer McKelvey

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6826
Mobile: 302-367-4283
Agent Photo

Joe Hackman

View profile
Direct: 302-239-6600
Mobile: 302-239-6600
Agent Photo

John Reed

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-893-3059
Agent Photo

Joseph Nestor

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6872
Mobile: 302-545-2568
Agent Photo

Juan Fuentes Jr.

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6852
Mobile: 302-753-8400
Agent Photo

Justin Kierstead

View profile
Direct: 302-239-3466
Mobile: 484-888-5513
Agent Photo

Karen Johnson

View profile
Direct: 610-357-6922
Mobile: 610-357-6922
Agent Photo

Karl Law

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-559-1019
Agent Photo

Kat Pigliacampi

View profile
Direct: 302-388-0833
Mobile: 302-388-0833
Agent Photo

Kate Bianchino

View profile
Direct: 302-598-8792
Mobile: 302-598-8792
Agent Photo

Kathryn Matic

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-766-2574
Agent Photo

Keith Seichepine

View profile
Direct: 302-377-0749
Mobile: 302-377-0749
Agent Photo

Kelly Ralsten

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6836
Mobile: 302-383-3538
Agent Photo

Ken Jones

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-494-5711
Agent Photo

Kevin DiSabatino

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6840
Mobile: 302-528-3856
Agent Photo

Kim Harris

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 301-646-5174
Agent Photo

Kim Kierstead

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 484-888-5514
Agent Photo

Lalisa Sweat

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 803-237-0918
Agent Photo

Lauren Madaline

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-743-0758
Agent Photo

Leslie Carpenter

View profile
Direct: 302.547.7768
Mobile: 302-547-7768
Agent Photo

Lidia Ini

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6849
Mobile: 302-420-6223
Agent Photo

Lisa Michels

View profile
Direct: 302-472-6202
Mobile: 302-354-0118
Agent Photo

Marianne Caven

View profile
Direct: 302-588-7410
Mobile: 302-588-7410
Agent Photo

Mary Corcoran

View profile
Direct: 302-354-3037
Mobile: 302-354-3037
Agent Photo

Mary Keane

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6842
Mobile: 302-593-8690
Agent Photo

Mason Faust

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-547-3313
Agent Photo

Matt Werline

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-981-5942
Agent Photo

Michael Sokira

View profile
Direct: 302-438-8270
Mobile: 302-438-8270
Agent Photo

Mija Song

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6832
Mobile: 302-545-1030
Agent Photo

Mike Clement

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6870
Mobile: 302-409-0460
Agent Photo

Mike Schwartz

View profile
Direct: 302-373-2880
Mobile: 302-373-2880
Agent Photo

Monica Bush

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7330
Mobile: 302-420-6103
Agent Photo

Nadiene Ringler-Friedrich

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-354-1008
Agent Photo

Nancy Miller-Baiz

View profile
Direct: 302-547-4586
Mobile: 302-547-4586
Agent Photo

Nancy Sproesser Martz

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6860
Mobile: 302-540-0037
Agent Photo

Nick Rybinski

View profile
Direct: 302-345-2560
Mobile: 302-345-2560
Agent Photo

Olivia English

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-757-1652
Agent Photo

Patrick Lorenz

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4509
Mobile: 302-530-6384
Agent Photo

Patti Field

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7352
Mobile: 302-559-7693
Agent Photo

Paul Greenholt

View profile
Direct: 610-804-1220
Mobile: 610-804-1220
Agent Photo

Paula Kamison

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6833
Mobile: 302-563-0305
Agent Photo

Rashmi Mundalmani

View profile
Direct: 302-607-8120
Mobile: 302-607-8120
Agent Photo

Renae Leonard

View profile
Mobile: 302-252-7772
Agent Photo

Rob Moores

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7341
Mobile: 302-420-8787
Agent Photo

Rob Young

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6851
Mobile: 302-540-4111
Agent Photo

Sam Lonergan

View profile
Direct: 302-893-8494
Mobile: 302-893-8494
Agent Photo

Sandi Dalton

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-584-7700
Agent Photo

Sandra Albarran

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-384-4240
Agent Photo

Sean McDevitt

View profile
Direct: 610-733-6475
Mobile: 610-733-6475
Agent Photo

Sharon White

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-598-1302
Agent Photo

Shirley McAllister

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7315
Agent Photo

Sonny Reeves

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4537
Mobile: 302-540-0994
Agent Photo

Soyoung Kim

View profile
Direct: 302-429-4500
Mobile: 302-561-0712
Agent Photo

Stephanie Gates

View profile
Direct: 302-540-6281
Mobile: 302-540-6281
Agent Photo

Steve Crifasi

View profile
Direct: 302-576-6838
Mobile: 302-740-4820
Agent Photo

Steven Maile

View profile
Direct: 302-599-8747
Mobile: 302-599-8747
Agent Photo

Toni Latch

View profile
Direct: 302-234-5228
Mobile: 302-388-2517
Agent Photo

Tori Henry

View profile
Direct: 302-339-3877
Mobile: 302-339-3877
Agent Photo

Tricia Confalone

View profile
Direct: 302-428-9628
Mobile: 302-428-9628
Agent Photo

Victoria Dickinson

View profile
Direct: 302-429-7304
Mobile: 302-463-4720